Exploring the Dynamics of Masculine and Feminine Energies Within Every Individual

Every individual has energy, and its energy is divided into two energies. one is masculine and other is feminine. By words "FEMININE" and "MASCULINE" I don't mean woman and man or male and female. our body is symmetrical means it can be divided to two equal parts and one part is representing masculine energy and other feminine. right side of our body have masculine energy whereas left side is of more feminine. every INDIVIDUAL has set of energies. both energies are very different from each other. our environment in which we have raised as a kid plays key role in determining that which energy is more dominate in our body. come on first let us understand both energies. 1. Masculine energy and its qualities. masculine energy can be described as DOING AND PLANNING. masculine energy......... is independent, it is stable, it is goal oriented, it is focused, it dominates, it controls, it likes to go create plan, it works according to plan, qualities of masculine ener...