Unveiling Your Inner Child: Signs of Unhealed Wounds

Hey, everyone, so how are you all? I missed you all because you know, it's been a very long time, like a month or two months since I wrote my last blog. So, in this blog I am going to discuss the topic on how to recognize if your inner child is not healed or is unloved or is wounded. Well, many of you will wonder why I'm always talking about inner child. So, guys, the reason I am always talking about the inner child is that because inner child healing is the Foundation and basic unit in process of healing yourself. And in this blog, I am going to, discuss every possibility and every topic which is related to mental health and mental wellbeing, and it should, you know, go on in chronological order. Now in in my previous post, I discussed significance of inner child and how inner child is important in one's life and how can we make it happy So, but I didn't discuss the issues or signs which we can notice in our self to recognize if our inner child is not being loved enoug...