Unveiling Your Inner Child: Signs of Unhealed Wounds

Hey, everyone, so how are you all? I missed you all because you know, it's been a very long time, like a month or two months since I wrote my last blog. So, in this blog I am going to discuss the topic on how to recognize if your inner child is not healed or is unloved or is wounded. Well, many of you will wonder why I'm always talking about inner child. So, guys, the reason I am always talking about the inner child is that because inner child healing is the Foundation and basic unit in process of healing yourself. And in this blog, I am going to, discuss every possibility and every topic which is related to mental health and mental wellbeing, and it should, you know, go on in chronological order. Now in in my previous post, I discussed significance of inner child and how inner child is important in one's life and how can we make it happy So, but I didn't discuss the issues or signs which we can notice in our self to recognize if our inner child is not being loved enough. So, you know the information are shared with you is totally based on my experience or somewhere else experience. I don't Share information with you, which is not fact based, which is not true, or which cannot be used in a healing process. I try my whole content to be authentic and real. So, in this post, I am sharing the symptoms which I noticed in myself and didn't know what they were? These symptoms I noticed in myself when I was not very self-aware and didn't know what all these healing, mental wellbeing and all other stuff. But now, in this age and this time, I am very well aware about, have knowledge, facts and information which I love to share with all of you. In my first post about inner child when I introduced the topic of inner child, I talked about how unwanted emotions, unexpected feeling which came within us. Most of the time, we don't know from where we are getting these feelings and from where are we getting these thoughts? And in these uncertain emotions. But I told you about that. These emotions, which are you feeling, which you do not feel as an adult, but you feel as a child. whenever you wonder why you are feeling is uncertain emotion fully knowing that you have no reason to be feeling that way. now let me tell you one thing, everything single thing which happen in our life is for a reason. everything you do have a reason, motivation, intention that's why you are doing it.  I read a book few years back which stated this same line, I didn't believe it. I thought we doing stuff is a way of living. it is but we are just merely surviving not living. so, let's get started, 

The first and most common sign is that you experience certain emotions which are not related to your current situation. Let's take my example when I passed 12 standard, I had everything like literally everything, I was eating nutritious food, had a source of entertainment, and did well in my studies but deep down I was not happy. I was having several unknown anxiety attacks.  I didn't know why I was having these attacks. I was doing great materialistically but emotionally I was a mess. Now if you feel that everything is great but still you miss something and you lack something, then it's time to get your gears Start bunnies. 

By the time I realised not everything is not fine I was underweight. My weight reduced form 60 kg to 47 kg in months. Let me tell you that the brain and stomach have direct link. If one of them is not fine and healthy then other also gets affected. You clearly know stomach is first body part to digest the nutrition from food  however, if your are not eating anything how our body will get nutrients. One thing more, if your inner child is not healed, it not always show itself through weight loss. Most people also start to eat more under stressful circumstances. If your notice your hunger level increase more than usual then this is also bad. And now this is because I also experienced this. I started to eat junk and food more at beginning of college, weigh 52 kg. So, Second sign is reduced hunger or increased hunger/ change in weight. I will share more signs and symptoms in next blog as this one is already long. Bye take care 😘😘. 

You guys can also see my other stuff on insta
"Empowered inner self"  profile pic is same is this. https://instagram.com/empoweredinnerself?igshid=MWZjMTM2ODFkZg==
Thnks for your patience and believe if your reading this you have already took a first step towards your own healing journey. 



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