Finding God Outside Religion: Embracing a Universal Faith

I am spiritual but NOT religious. My life is going through many changes. I am finding myself. One thing that I have realized is that I believe in God but NOT in being in any religion. By birth I am Sikh. I belong to Sikhism, I belong to community of people who are the bravest. I should feel proud of those people who have sacrificed their lives in the name of protection of religion, yet I don't. Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Sikhism are all the religion made by the human. all the religion in the world is different, having different rituals to pray, showing gratitude, paying respect towards deities, yet they all pray to same god. so why religion?  I believe there is an ultimate god provides for all of us. I believe there is karma. I believe there is salvation. I believe there are hell and heaven. I believe there is afterlife. I believe, reincarnation is possible. I believe in the universe. I believe in God.  I am 18-year-old, according to the Indian constitution, I am eligible and adult enough to choose any religion of my own choice. But I don't want any religion, just want to worship the god. I believe there is not any particular method or way to worship the god. I believe we can worship the god in any way we want. I believe we can worship the god by singing his admirations. I believe we can dance madly in fascination of God. The reason I don't feel proud of my birth religion is because I believe we are all worshipping the religion NOT the God. 


  1. Hiii this is good I never thought of this.

  2. Wow 😲 where did you find these lines .
    These lines touched my heart 😻


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