"The Power of Reflection: Rediscovering Your Inner Child"


The inner child is the part of your subconscious which stores memories, beliefs and also emotions. The subconscious mind is the part of brain which had remain an enigma to science to date. however, it is not difficult to understand that our subconscious mind that works primally on stored memories and the inner child is the part of subconscious mind that involuntarily had stored your childhood memories whether they are bad or good. Well, our human brain tends to store bad ones over good ones.

you must be wondering why I am talking about the inner child as such it matters now. Because it does. you may not believe it, but a state of your inner child reflects in your adulthood. how should I put it? In the Netflix web series, Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton was afraid of bees. As a kid he had seen his father die from bee stung, that's why he was panicking when bee stung Kate. That was the memory stored in his subconscious mind. his inner child was afraid of bees. of course, any adult wouldn't be afraid of bees.

sometimes you feel many emotions at same time. sometimes you don't know what you are feeling and where this feeling is coming from. those situations are the results of lack of knowledge about your inner child. knowing and identifying your inner child is a crucial part of discovering yourself. It's not you unable to get hold to emotions but rather your inner child who is showing his/her feelings through you. Dealing with the inner child can be a difficult task especially when you have traumatic experiences in your childhood. There are many ways you can get to know your inner child and know what had happened in the past that had wounded it.

When dealing with the inner child you must know that this part of you is not mature enough to understand logic. This part of you is child in every way. You must deal with it in a same way you deal with the child. In this article I am going to tell some effective ways to identify your inner child.


1. Open mind...

Concept of inner child is foreign, but not ignored. while approaching this healing process you should keep in mind that healing takes time and of course it takes lot courage to be out your shell and actually heal yourself. You have come this far known that something is not satisfied. Activities might sound strange but will help you resolve issue with your inner child. To heal yourself and your inner child you must first be friends with him/her.


2. Letter writing...

Most of the time our post traumatic brain struggles to hold and store the memories which had hurt us as a kid. Writing has always been proved to be the best way in therapy over the years. letter writing to your inner child will help you understand your emotions. journaling about your childhood memories can help you remember the incidents which upset you.  this letter writing activity also helps in getting know your triggers. I know it will be difficult to revisit those unplanned events.


3. Activities from childhood....

All of us has some set of activities which we have enjoyed as a kid. These activities can be playing with your toys or picnic with your parents to the park or a particular place. You must remember to add all those activities which you enjoy doing as kid. For instance, me, always enjoyed painting, which I still do to make my inner child happy. Healing your wounded inner child can be difficult when he/she cannot be happy.


4. Playing with children....

Fourth is to spending time with other children. you must keep in mind that our child is a kid. He/she doesn't like to spend time with people thrice its age. Spending time with children and occupying yourself with them will slowly but surely let out your inner child. First made him comfortable with you and his surroundings to the point where he/ she would tell how he feels.

5. Journalling 

journaling about your day can count as telling your inner self about you. You can do this activity by keeping single separate dairy. Daily writing about your day whether it was good or bad will give your inner self assurance that there is someone who values him/her. 

6. Meditate....

Over the centuries meditating is used. Meditation has uncountable benefits like mindfulness, inner peace, helps in focus etc. Meditation helps in keeping post-traumatic brain in balance and in check. When your inner child is wounded. It will keeps coming back to surface and of course not always in good form. Obviously, we are not trying to suppress the inner child. Meditation helps you keep your emotions in check and also helps in identifying your emotions. Remember recognizing your emotions means knowing your triggers. triggers can be anything/anyone. certain type of behavior of your sibling or your parent.




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