The Illusion of Pleasure: Understanding the Dark Side of Casual Encounters

Sex. what is sex? for some people it is just bodily need, while for others it is just pleasure, whereas for some it is penis into vagina NOTHING. then, are the people, for whom sex is that level of intimacy which you achieve after completing every other stage of relationship. now you guys be wondering why I am talking about sex all of a sudden after disappearing this long. well it's because this thought suddenly came to my mind, and I was inspired to write about zero benefit of HOOK-UP CULTURE. have you ever guys wondered why hook culture is ruining lives? sleeping with someone you don't have feeling for is worse than loosing someone you love. believe me, this is true, now people don't realize it. in today's time, for this generation sleeping with random stranger has become trend. you tell me guys what do you gain by sleeping with someone you don't know? with your ex? with someone you have met for just few hours? you gain pleasure, pleasure which is temporary.  do we see the consequences of this act in long term? seeking comfort through sex is drug. it makes us addicted. nowadays every one of us fighting their own demon. reality has become so hard to accept that we start to escape it. many people choose drugs, some listen to music. we are all spiritual creatures. we all are sexual creature. now many people would say if we were sexual creature then what is the issue with  sleeping. that's the issue. god made us, he made us so can procreate, to reproduce. so, he gave us this sexual need. but he also made sure, humans don't just become beings who just thinks through their libido. do you think how this all is affecting our live? our mind? our body? when you stress, body's nervous system becomes rigid. muscles don't loosen up. our stomach is affected. stress cause so much negative impact on body, which make our brain to create illusion of reality. to make us forget about what real reason is we are stressed about. which leads to memory loss, so that it can protect us, from ourselves. now all of this is related to hook-up culture, because our body need pleasure as I mentioned before and seeking pleasure through is one way our body and mind make us get happy for temporary. now our brain would do anything to make us happy, even it means it is bad for long term. after you get pleasure, now phase come when you start to feel guilt, anxiety thinking about the result after your actions. researchers have found about how people who sleep around feel guilt, depression, anxiety after intercourse. so do you understand how sex causes another layer of pain around your body. when reality starts to sink upon us, we become more disoriented than before. this creates empty feel inside us. then in next phase we want to erase this empty feeling. for which we again seek pleasure. this is how this cycle continues. we need to break this cycle. another reason this hook up culture is worst because of its impact on women. females are being fooled by the society. over the centuries men had been playing with our minds. men have made us believe that sleeping around is okay. us woman don't realize it before it's too late. I am not saying it YOU it is US. yes, us because at some point of my life I also believed that sleeping around is ok however now it is changed. what changed? I realized how men are tricking us over the years. men have made us believe that we are powerless, causing women forget about their power and woman are facing consequences of this. unwanted pregnancies, heartbreak after the act, feeling unworthy, feeling of being used. females are questioning their appearance. now what would you feel after sleeping with a person all night then in the morning he says, ok by tata and on another day, you saw that same person with someone else. what would you feel in that situation? no matter how many times you tell yourself you don't care. it has nothing to with me, he is like that. instantly you would find yourself comparing with that SOMEONE ELSE. one of the most common reasons for females to change their core values is society. nowadays everyone is so educated and talking about mental, self-love and self-care. they don't realize how they are making themselves seen as desperate, having no self-esteem. tell me would you disrespect someone you love the most? you say you love yourself. but all you are doing is to give any men who approaches you free ticket between your legs. sorry honey, I am rude, but this is reality. you in actual increasing your stress level, anxiety-level, depression, reducing your self-esteem, self-worth. you are honey believing society so that you can be sheltered. you are protecting yourself, by harming yourself. one another impact this one-night stands has on women is, females are more prone to get infected during sexual intercourse than men. condoms are only 95% useful. there is still 5% chance honey you can get infected. now it is not females are the only one who are affected by this hook-up culture. holes in condoms, getting infected, unwanted parental duties. all females are not so dumb, they are smart, they are so smart that they use their brain in wrong direction. lots of women are trapping men in forceful marriages. of course, who wants have HIV and AIDS fully knowing that disease is not curable. I think my point is clear. think about that. bye we will talk soon.


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