
Romanticizing lust: How Media is romanticizing lust.

In the era of binge-watching, streaming platforms like Netflix have become an integral part of our lives, shaping our perceptions and expectations, especially when it comes to relationships. However, there's a concerning trend in many of these shows where relationships are often portrayed solely based on physical attraction, emphasizing lust over love. This portrayal not only distorts the idea of love but also creates unrealistic expectations among viewers, especially the youth. Take, for example, the popular Netflix series "Riverdale." While it's entertaining, the relationships depicted in the show often prioritize physical attraction and passion over emotional connection and compatibility. Characters like Archie and Veronica or Betty and Jughead frequently find themselves in dramatic and intense relationships, where physical attraction seems to be the driving force behind their connection. Similarly, "Gossip Girl," another beloved series, showcases a world

The Subtle Objectification and Toxic Masculinity in Bollywood.

Bollywood, known for its vibrant colors, catchy songs, and dramatic storylines, is also notorious for its portrayal of women. While Bollywood films may entertain millions, they often subtly objectify and sexualize female characters, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and reinforcing gender inequality. In addition to objectification, Bollywood also often portrays toxic masculinity, influencing young men to emulate behaviors that are harmful to themselves and others. In this article, we will explore how women are objectified and how toxic masculinity is portrayed in Bollywood films, songs, and promotional material, and the impact this has on society. 1. Item Songs Bollywood films often feature item songs, which typically showcase scantily clad women dancing provocatively. While these songs may seem harmless, they serve to objectify and sexualize women, reducing them to mere props for the male gaze.  Example: Song: "Chikni Chameli" from the movie "Agneepath" (2012)     T

Understanding Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Not murder It was the other day when I was reading an article in the newspaper. The news was about. The couple apparently attempted suicide in front of the Ghaziabad AIMS rehabilitation center. At first, when I read the headline. It was written as "husband killed wife then killed himself" So I thought that it might be a murder case or anything else. However, that was not the case. It was suicide. When the background research was done, It was revealed that depression might be the reason for the attempted suicide. It really baffled me. Depression is a Concern raising issue in India right now because not only teenagers but also adults are attempting suicide, and this couple had children. depression is common, but it is not normal.  Still a long road ahead... Data from the government of India and WHO (world health organization) shows how many people are harming themselves because they are suffering from depression, and they got no help. Right now, Many movies and shows have been

Unveiling Your Inner Child: Signs of Unhealed Wounds

Hey, everyone, so how are you all? I missed you all because you know, it's been a very long time, like a month or two months since I wrote my last blog. So, in this blog I am going to discuss the topic on how to recognize if your inner child is not healed or is unloved or is wounded. Well, many of you will wonder why I'm always talking about inner child. So, guys, the reason I am always talking about the inner child is that because inner child healing is the Foundation and basic unit in process of healing yourself. And in this blog, I am going to, discuss every possibility and every topic which is related to mental health and mental wellbeing, and it should, you know, go on in chronological order. Now in in my previous post, I discussed significance of inner child and how inner child is important in one's life and how can we make it happy So, but I didn't discuss the issues or signs which we can notice in our self to recognize if our inner child is not being loved enoug

The Illusion of Pleasure: Understanding the Dark Side of Casual Encounters

Sex. what is sex? for some people it is just bodily need, while for others it is just pleasure, whereas for some it is penis into vagina NOTHING. then, are the people, for whom sex is that level of intimacy which you achieve after completing every other stage of relationship. now you guys be wondering why I am talking about sex all of a sudden after disappearing this long. well it's because this thought suddenly came to my mind, and I was inspired to write about zero benefit of HOOK-UP CULTURE. have you ever guys wondered why hook culture is ruining lives? sleeping with someone you don't have feeling for is worse than loosing someone you love. believe me, this is true, now people don't realize it. in today's time, for this generation sleeping with random stranger has become trend. you tell me guys what do you gain by sleeping with someone you don't know? with your ex? with someone you have met for just few hours? you gain pleasure, pleasure which is temporary.  do w

Exploring the Dynamics of Masculine and Feminine Energies Within Every Individual

Every individual has energy, and its energy is divided into two energies. one is masculine and other is feminine. By words "FEMININE" and "MASCULINE" I don't mean woman and man or male and female. our body is symmetrical means it can be divided to two equal parts and one part is representing masculine energy and other feminine. right side of our body have masculine energy whereas left side is of more feminine. every INDIVIDUAL has set of energies. both energies are very different from each other. our environment in which we have raised as a kid plays key role in determining that which energy is more dominate in our body. come on first let us understand both energies. 1. Masculine energy and its qualities. masculine energy can be described as DOING AND PLANNING. masculine energy......... is independent, it is stable,  it is goal oriented,  it is focused, it dominates, it controls, it likes to go create plan, it works according to plan, qualities of masculine ener

"The Power of Reflection: Rediscovering Your Inner Child"

  The inner child is the part of your subconscious which stores memories, beliefs and also emotions. The subconscious mind is the part of brain which had remain an enigma to science to date. however, it is not difficult to understand that our subconscious mind that works primally on stored memories and the inner child is the part of subconscious mind that involuntarily had stored your childhood memories whether they are bad or good. Well, our human brain tends to store bad ones over good ones. you must be wondering why I am talking about the inner child as such it matters now. Because it does. you may not believe it, but a state of your inner child reflects in your adulthood. how should I put it? In the Netflix web series, Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton was afraid of bees. As a kid he had seen his father die from bee stung, that's why he was panicking when bee stung Kate. That was the memory stored in his subconscious mind. his inner child was afraid of bees. of course, any adult